Seven Stars Cloud Opens Blockchain-Powered AI Financial Technology?

Seven Stars Cloud is a brand that is know for their impressive security efforts and their ever-expanding digital supply to the industry. Their efforts all go into helping with various technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Cloud Computing & Data. Recently, on December 22, 2017, Chairman and CEO Bruno Wu released a statement to update the public and corporations on the Company’s vision, with a major emphasis on blockchain.
Wu described Seven Stars Cloud as the “next generation” in those efforts, and then directed the attention to Blockchain. He started off his discussion with stating that he wanted to be “clear and concise” about the way that Blockchain related to and supported the business model that his Company maintains.
Establishing that there are various learning curves associated with bringing in this type of currency, he explained that the main reason for the curve with Blockchain is due to “Blockchain’s seemingly tethered existence to Bitcoin.” Bitcoin’s very existence relies on Blockchain, and the two simply have not been separated from Bitcoin in the past, since it has needed Blockchain to thrive as a cryptocurrency.
That’s where Seven Stars Cloud is changing the game. While they are not a Bitcoin company, and the goal of Wu and the Company is to show consumers and corporations that “the opportunities and possibilities of Blockchain extend far beyond the world of cryptocurrencies.” Blockchain enables consumers in the industry to manage many different types of data, and the possibilities are “infinite,” as Wu stated.
With Blockchain, there is no need for an intermediary to oversee the various exchanges, and it maintains a real-time update at all times on all connected computers. For that reason, Blockchain has an enviable resistance to security threats, defending data in “all facets of business.”
As his goal, Wu finally stated, “In this case of Seven Stars Cloud, we are applying Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence to create a hybrid solution for supply chain finance, risk management and asset-backed digital securitization. And these are only the first massive opportunities and markets we are targeting, with more plug and play opportunities to be announced in 2018.”
Both Wu and President & Chief Revenue Officer Robert Benya predict impressive growth, which they hope will urge other individuals in the industry to follow in their footsteps.
To find out more information about Seven Stars Cloud, visit