Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence: Great Depression of 2020 Bitcoin Investment Report

Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence program is quite easy to understand and put into practice, even by investors who don’t have too much of experience trading. The new offer Jim is providing with his Straegi Intelligence program is meant to prepare people for the collapse of the US dollar and much more. Jim’s way of analyzing the financial and stock markets is truly revolutionary. He uses his theories to help people invest safely in cash, bonds, stocks, precious metals, even land and art.
As a matter of fact, it’s being estimated that only under 20 people in the world actually know about the complex theories behind financial markets. Jim is one of these people and a pioneer when it comes to helping others turning money into big profits. In his monthly Strategic Intelligence publication, he writes directly to his subscribers, keeping them up to date on how the US dollar is going to collapse and what it needs to be done about it.
The financial crisis following the Coronavirus pandemic is real, and he knows everything about it, not to mention he’s ready to offer his investment recommendations and methods of protecting, even growing wealth during a meltdown. Up to this point, Jim has been offering such advice only to his clients with a high net-worth, or to US intelligence community members. However, he decided everyone should get to benefit from his wisdom.
Who Is Jim Rickards?
Jim Rickards is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Road to Ruin, The Death of Money, The Road to Ruin and also of The New Case for Gold. His last-mentioned book has had 16 translations into 16 different languages. Jim was for 35 yeas an investment banker, an international economist and both a national and a political advisor. He offered his economical insights to the US Department of Defense and to intelligence services.
Furthermore, he was a facilitator for the Pentagon’s first financial war games. For example, at the end of the 90s, he collaborated with Federal Reserve bank members to save the US from going into a $1.3 trillion crisis in the banking system. After the 911 event, he collaborated with the CIA, the Pentagon and senior military leaders to predict a next similar event according to how airline stocks were going.
He also worked with people from President Trump’s cabinet, visited the Federal Reserve’s boardroom, the US Treasury and the White House’s West Wing, all with business matters. His career is built on what others would never even imagine, as he predicted the housing collapse from 2008 and many other unfortunate financial events. Forbes wrote about him too. Now he thinks that 2020 is going to go through a Great Depression, so he wanted to have people prepared for what’s going to happen, by offering his Strategic Intelligence program.
What Does Jim Rickards’ Strategic Intelligence Offer?
Aside from the Jim’s newsletters and advice, the Strategic Intelligence program includes 5 reports/books that had a tremendous success on Amazon. These books are:
The New Case for Gold
Americans have no idea that there are many other trustworthy and reliable gold dealers than the ones everyone heard about. There’s a very secret and portable asset that extremely rich families and billionaires like Steve Cohen and Bill Gates have been using. With the New Case for Gold, people can find out all about this, asset, also about what mistake they shouldn’t make when buying gold. And what’s also great about this report is that it contains much more.
My #1 Way to Profit from Falling Stocks… Even in a Great Depression
This is a very special report created by Jim and that shows how to create the best investing portfolio during a crisis like the one already starting to unfold. Even Michael K. the President of Optimize Advisors recommends this book to those who want to protect their portfolio from the chaos that sometimes dominates the market.
Ticking Time Bombs: Stocks to Avoid During A Market Crash
There are many companies that don’t have any cash and are in real debt. They’ll all be swiped off by the next crisis, so Jim and his collaborators have decided to study which these companies are so that they’re revealed to the Strategic Intelligence program’s subscribers. It’s a good idea to get rid of such companies from investment portfolio while they’re still not public about their meltdowns.
Five Recession-Proof Stocks to Buy Right Now
At the other end of the wire, there are the companies with stocks that could make a fortune on the rebound. In fact, there’s a group of specific stocks that go up during recessions, returning very high returns on the invested capital. Jim reveals in the Five Recessions-Proof Stocks to Buy Right Now report the 5 most trustworthy companies of this kind.
How To Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress
This report reveals the simple and single piece of equipment that can turn front doors into unbreakable barriers. In other words, it details how a panic room can be built without spending too much money. Not only this can save possessions and money, but also lives. While a virus pandemic situation is really threatening, there’s also the risk of intruders entering honest people’s homes, and this risk is at all times present, not only when a disease is getting transmitted. The How To Make Your Home Your Personal Fortress report also talks about the #1 safety mistake that people make on social media, putting their homes in danger, and about much more.
What Does It Take to Receive the Mentioned Reports?
The subscription to the Strategic Intelligence program is risk-free. More than this, it includes all the mentioned reports plus the Strategic Intelligence monthly newsletter that’s sent by Jim directly to subscribers. The reports are 100% FREE. They come with Jim’s monthly issues that contain the best strategies and ideas on both protecting and growing wealth. Aside from all this, Strategic Intelligence subscribers are sure to be kept informed on what they need to do to protect themselves against the economic crisis that already started to happen.