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Status New Sharding Client Nimbus Could Push Ethereum To 1 Million Transactions Per Second



Status Partners With The Nim Team

Status has recently announced a partnership with the research initiative called Nimbus. The team, which is behind the Nim programming language, is led by Andreas Rumpf.

The partnership will support the ongoing development of Status and the Nim language will serve as the basis for the program. This way, as Nim develops, so will Status, which will acquire more features and capabilities as the other technology improves.

According to Andreas, the team has a strong vision of the future and they believe that Status can be the right company to help in this effort.

The partnership sees Status founding the Nim team to develop the tech in exchange for being able to use it as a core of the system and to have a hand on the development of the tool.

The Nim team will have now at least two more developers that will work full time fixing bugs and responding to the most pressing issues, while the rest of the team keeps focusing on developing the compiler, the standard library and the tooling system.

Another important point that helps to cement this partnership is that members of the two teams knew themselves well, so this worked to connect them and sparked the idea of partnering up.

The Reason Status Choose Nim

According to Status, the choice of the company to make a partnership with Nim happened because of its programming language and how efficient and lightweight it can be. It can also help the company to understand the Ethereum protocol better, which is a great benefit.

The language is also backed by a very strong team of talented developers led by Andreas, which means that Status could trust the team to actually deliver results. Status believes that Nim can be the right choice for the development of the platform.

Nim can be explained as a language that combines the very best aspects of C, Python and Lisp. It is as fast as C, readable as Python and extensive as Lisp. Since its inception, the language was envisioned as something that could be simple and used for metaprogramming but also covering semantics and syntactic elements.

The language has supported by an open source community up until now and volunteers and donors made of the work.

The Future

After receiving the sponsorship of Status, the Nim team has decided for a new ambitious road map. The 1.0.0 version of the Nim programming language will be released soon and, while there is no hard dates for the release of it or deadlines, the milestone was detailed by the company.

It was also decided that Nim would have a sponsorship program inspired in Google’s Summer of Code. This way, developers will be hired to complete specific projects using the tools of the company like improving the tool support, package manager, etc.


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