Watch The Buy The Dip Cryptocurrency Comedy Film For Good Laugh

A month ago, a trailer for a cryptocurrency-based short film surfed the internet. The long wait has finally come to an end, as the film, Buy The Dip, is now released and can be viewed.
The story starts with two friends who are going to a pub. They, then come across a homeless man, where one of the friends gives him change. After complaining about how stringy millennials are, the three end up having a conversation. To the friends’ surprise, the homeless man who goes by Nick, was an expert when it came to the different types of payment methods. He elaborates the heights cryptocurrencies can potentially reach and even pointed out that he accepts Doge.
Those who have keen interest in bitcoin will be able to identify the jokes made. Furthermore, such individuals will be able to recall their experiences and the person that introduced them to the crypto world. The story was written by writer and director, Sam Lucas Smith, who was interested in cryptos since the very beginning.
Sam Lucas Smith shared some fun facts in an interview conducted by a Bitcoinist. He went on to share his own experiences, how he was introduced and the lack of seriousness on his part at the time. He said, “it was utterly pointless to mine Bitcoin, as the difficultly level was too high, and I’d barely pay for my electricity.”
In 2017, the crypto market reached an all-time high, and Smith knew that his investments from 2013 would be worth much more today, but unfortunately, he backed up his public key instead of the private. Today, he’s only allowed to view how much he’s made, but not withdraw it.
He went on to share that the short film was based on his personal experiences and his interest in crypto, which has been reactivated to date. When the Bitcoinist asked Smith his perspective on the price crash, he replied saying, “…I think the price cash will help draw the focus on more long-term goals and practical applications which provide an inherent value, rather than being propped up by hype and FOMO.” Definitely a fun film worth watching!