Bitcoin News
Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao threatens to Delist BSV due to the founder’s behavior

Founder and CEO of all big cryptocurrency exchange Binance Changpeng Zhao cautioned he is going to delist Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) when the inventor of the altcoin Craig Wright doesn’t alter his behavior within a tweet released on April 11.
The community responded to Zhao’s warning by requesting a variety of exchanges to delist BSV and developing a #DelistBSV hashtag. The tweet is a response to Wright’s recent actions against Hodlnaut, the Twitter user supporting the Lightning Torch initiative.
As lately reported on crypto news outlet Coingeek, a $5,000 bounty in BSV was put by Wright for advice concerning the identity of Hodlnaut. The cryptocurrency community responded on Twitter by producing #WeAreAllHodlonaut hashtag, to demonstrate support for the currently deleted Twitter client.
Wright was allegedly prompted by the anonymous Twitter user calling him a fraud and depriving him falsely claiming to be the mysterious founder of Bitcoin (BTC), Satoshi Nakamoto.
Per Coingeek, Hodlnaut targeted Wright with attacking tweets, calling him “a very sad and pathetic scammer. Clearly mentally ill.” Hodlnaut also allegedly participated in the invention of this #CraigWrightIsAFraud hashtag.
Wright’s lawyer’s reportedly said that he”hasn’t fraudulently promised to become Satoshi Nakamoto” because he supposedly is Satoshi Nakamoto. The announcement further asserts that he composed Bitcoin’s white paper, delivered the initial Bitcoin trade, also played an integral part in the community’s development. Wright has allegedly demanded an apology out of Hodlnaut along with also a statement in open court admitting the alleged falsity of the allegations.
A lot of the cryptocurrency community doesn’t think Wright’s claims, which brought him the nickname “faketoshi.” WikiLeaks called him “a proven serial forger of documents claiming that he is the inventor of Bitcoin.” IT news socket reported in 2015 the proofs supplied by Wright “are likely backdated and stage to some hoax.”
Since Cointelegraph reported in the end of this past year, a United States court has rejected repeated orders from Craig Wright to discount a $4 billion lawsuit against him for having allegedly discharged around 1.1 million BTC in the estate of dead crypto programmer David Kleiman. Some have theorized as if Kleiman was a first programmer of Bitcoin.
In December this past year, Bitcoin SV faced criticism following a researcher allegedly revealed how any user can devote the very same coins double on its own system at a “0-conf transaction.”