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Wealth Generators Cryptocurrency Mining Securities To Become Real



Wealth Generators

At the base of the Wealth Generators Website there is a notice that reads Wealth Generators LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Investview. The company is a Nevada based corporation that operates in Utah. Investview is run by Annete Raynor, Ryan Smith and Mario Romano.

After recent reports, Wealth Generators’ Crypto Mining Package Investment Offer. The assumption is that Investview is registered with the SEC so the deal is legitimate. Unfortunately, when looking at previous reports on Investview, they’ve lost a considerable amount of money.

But the affiliates are still making theirs. When asked about the losses, they’ve plainly stated that the loss is due to random spin-off operations and debt settlement. They released a statement 3rd quarter of last year.

They basically states that Wealth Generators is a company that gives out research, education, and investment tools that are designed to help people with initiative. They are primarily focused around the financial sector of the world.

Some of the different goals are to provide people with services into research, trade, and trading rooms as well as instruction into equities. Not only that, but more about options and Forex, ETFs and binary options as well as crowdfunding.

That’s not the only reason, but they will also provide tools that help with all of these different aspects as well as full education and software. They claim to also help people with things like debt reduction and increased savings.

They claim that their research and tools are on a subscription based platform fore most regards, some being core trading tools for research and finance management. They give complete access to the information that is needed for a person to manage their financial situation.

There are four different packages that a person can invest into and it can be cancelled at any time. Also, the components of the product are for marketing and distribution methods. They also train about the distribution of their products for commission based bonus plans.

The bonus is said to be completely optional, but gives participants the ability to create an additional income stream to support their financial goals.

The focus here is that Wealth Generators didn’t launch Crypto until prior to the filing of this. The question that people are asking is as to whether or not the company can truly claim to generate 300% ROI on just one of their affiliate subscription platforms. This doesn’t make sense considering that the affiliate based subscription platform has lost more than 6 million dollars over a period of just 6 months.

Most of their money is made from their subscriptions. They don’t actually use their own training or subscriptions to make money though. It’s not very funny considering their payments to affiliates with Wealth Generators has almost no disclosure about their ROI and is fairly skeptical at best.

Then, in October of 2017, they made an agreement with HODO-mania, a Texas based corporation. Unfortunately, the algorithm known as RYZE and the HODO company don’t have results that can be found in the SEC database. That means neither of them are registered in the United States. But no problem according to Wealth Generators, they’re said to be with Investview. In reality, no their actually not – Investview doesn’t recognize RYZE ROI payments made to Wealth Generators in their SEC filings. Basically, what it comes down to, is that Wealth Generators seems to be completely off the books with their payments to RYZE.

Actually, they don’t even acknowledge paying affiliates through Equity and RYZE. They say nothing about any of their passive returns anywhere. In fact, nowhere in the entire Wealth Generators quarterly reports does it say anything. Even in reports dealing with payouts, has no mention of RYZE.

They are very selective about everything they mention, and also tend to be highly ambiguous in nature. There isn’t much that is transparent about the company at all. They have no mentions anywhere about ROI payments to Wealth Generators affiliates pumping money into RYZE.

Most of the companies they seem to be making payments to are merely shell companies. Companies that issues licenses for the use of RYZE. None of them are credited with being trusted or reliable company by any means.

It also is noted that many of the companies involved with Investview and Wealth Generators in these reports and contracts are likely run by the same people. Investview doesn’t admit to anything and claims not be associated with any type of shell company. If one was to look deep enough however, it’s likely they would find that to be a false statement.

And what it is really coming down to is that most people are seeing that almost all the companies Wealth Generators is investing into are just shell companies run by unknown people. And when research down the line is thorough enough, a person would find out the director of several of these companies is in fact on person, Travis Bott.

He’s in agreements with several of these companies as the Designess. And that’s where it starts to get very shady. Wealth Generators acquisition of Hodo Mania for example came from the failed merger of Divve and Hodo Global. And two other companies run by Bott, Westmyn and Priam, secure that Bott share with Investview and these other companies mentioned as well.

Lastly, it’s strange because a lot of these companies also have connections into more like companies in the Cayman Islands. They are all tied to Investview and Wealth Generators The entire web is tangled and hard to follow, it makes Wealth Generators and everything their connected to security risks. And as of recent, they’ve seen US regulators start to crack down on unregistered security risks like Wealth Generators.

Especially when it comes to these companies being involved with cryptocurrency security offerings. And the sad thing is, almost no one in the entire Wealth Generators organization, mainly their affiliates have no idea that they are getting into and are at great risk.

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